First, you should download the visual studio code extension and open the folder in visual studio code up. Now press F5 to start the debug mode. In the second window open a folder in which you want to develop the data pack in. Create a file with the file extension “mdscript” or “mds” in your chosen folder. Only 1 main script file is accepted in the end. Download the needed files via the button below:
Start in your main file with typing “init:” in the first line. End the initialise section with “:end”. Begin the next section with “engine:” and end it like before. In all other referenced files just begin with the method name and continue with square parentheses. Put your code into the parentheses.
The code will get debugged from top to bottom means the lowest set command will set the variable.
For this step download the small debugger, start it and select your projects folder. Start the process by clicking on start. You should get asked where to save your final data pack. Select a folder as output path and let it create your data pack.